We created a line of recovery cards, because somebody had to do it.
Project: Recovery Cards ProjectClient: Colorado Behavioral Health Administration
We changed the conversation around the stigma of addiction.
Project: Lift The LabelClient: Behavioral Health Administration
We kicked out fentanyl by putting naloxone on the guest list.
Project: Keep The Party SafeClient: Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention
We gave hope to a county experiencing unprecedented overdose rates.
Project: Recover for LifeClient: Franklin County Public Health
We burned teenagers’ food to get their attention, and it worked.
Project: High CostsClient: City and County of Denver
We added responsibility to marijuana consumption.
Project: Responsibility Grows HereClient: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
We convinced adults to think differently about their babies’ baby teeth.
Project: Cavities Get AroundClient: Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation
We made communities safer by getting people to lock their cars.
Project: Lockdown Your CarClient: Coloradans Against Auto Theft
We got Coloradans to think before they smoked.
Project: 320 MovementClient: Colorado Department of Transportation
We proved that weed and driving is a dangerous combination.
Project: Dangerous CombinationsClient: Colorado Department of Transportation
We helped people be proud to get PrEPPED.
Project: Proud to be PrEPPEDClient: Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment
We got people to buckle up and Beware of the Beltless.
Project: Beware of the BeltlessClient: Colorado Department of Transportation