Interview with Pat Feehery, Creative Director – Part 1

Astrological sign:


Coffee or tea:


Beer or wine:

Both, just not at the same time


Married with child #1 on the way!

Are your glasses for fashion or function? 

I’ve had glasses since 2008 and probably needed them for 10 years before that

Game 5 of the World Series (Royals v Mets) or Sunday Night Football (Broncos v Packers)?

Definitely Broncos, I’m much more of a football guy, played in high school and still tend to follow my Philly teams.

Did you dress up for Halloween?

I was Jean Luc Picard from Star Trek this year. When you have a bald head, you have to utilize it. I’ve been Mr. Clean and Telly Sevalis in the past…I like to find iconic bald characters.

Where are you from?

I come from West Chester, PA just outside of Philadelphia, and I’ve been mostly here in Colorado for the last ten years.

How’d you get into advertising?

Coming out of college I was not a good designer, so I took a construction job in Philadelphia while I was trying to break into design. I realized when I interviewed and did not get a design job at a hearing aid manufacturer that it was time to get more training. So I started asking around and found out about the Creative Circus in Georgia. That was really the turning point for me and advertising became a passion.

How’d you land at Amélie?

I’ve been freelancing for almost four years, when I heard about this opportunity as freelance CD at Amélie. I got to know the agency and just loved its values and its clients. The idea of doing good in this world is something you don’t get in advertising much. Lots of people sell products that they don’t believe in. When you have an agency that stands behind their clients, and feels like the clients are a positive force in the world, it’s very refreshing. The client is everything. If you don’t believe in what you’re selling, then why are you doing this? Amélie stands for brands that I believe in.

What are you most looking forward to at Amélie?

I’m really eager to build something, which I haven’t had a chance to do. Freelance gives you the opportunity to do creative things and see what everyone else is doing. Being able to take bits and pieces now and incorporate them into something that I believe can work is a very interesting opportunity. I want to grow Amélie into a creative powerhouse and I think we’re on the verge of something cool, something I want to be a part of.